
Ron Britton's 'Sex, Death and the Superego'– Review by Peter Fonagy

Sex, Death and the Superego
Experiences in Psychoanalysis

by Ronald Britton

Published by Karnac Books

1855759489 Pbk £19.99   pp190

Milton, Polmear and Fabricius 'A short introduction to Psychoanalysis' – description including review by Peter Fonagy

A Short Introduction to Psychoanalysis
by Jane Milton, Caroline Polmear and Julia Fabricius
Published by Sage Publications  Pbk £15.99

Rosine Perelberg's 'Freud: A Modern Reader' – review by Gregorio Kohon

Published by Whurr Publishers 2005
Catalogue No. : 21399
ISBN: 1861564023 

Encounters with Melanie Klein: Selected Papers of Elizabeth Spillius – Review by Michael Brearley

The following review by Michael Brearley was originally published in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol 2008.

Richard Wollheim's 'The Mind and its depths' – Review by David Bell

Richard Wollheim
- The Mind and its Depths
Published by Harvard University Press 1993, 214pp