Richard Rusbridger. Training and Supervising Analyst and a Child Analyst of the British Psycho-Analytical Society. Chair of the Curriculum Committee on the MSc. course in Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies at University College London.
Richard Rusbridger has run clinical seminars regularly for a number of years in Berlin, Stuttgart, New York and at the Western New England Society in New Haven, Connecticut. The German seminars are with experienced psychoanalysts, while the American ones are aimed at newly qualified analysts and senior candidates in training who are interested in a Kleinian approach to clinical work.
Each year he also holds a clinical seminar for a group of analysts that meets in London, with members from Argentina, Germany, France, the US and Canada.
In the last four years he has also given papers in Seattle, Los Angeles, Stuttgart and Oslo on clinical and theoretical subjects, including a Kleinian view of the Oedipus Complex, and on the relationship between psychoanalysis and music.
In his current role as Honorary Secretary of the Melanie Klein Trust, Richard Rusbridger is involved in collaborative projects with psychoanalytic societies abroad; organising and supporting conferences, seminars and other teaching activities. With generous funding from the Rita Frankiel Bequest, the Melanie Klein Trust set up a scheme in liaison with training analysts in the United States, for which Rusbridger has been visiting New York and New Haven annually to give a group supervision to qualified analysts.
Given his interest in the interdisciplinary applications of contemporary psychoanalysis, Rusbridger was invited to participate at the 14th Joseph Sandler Psychoanalytic Research Conference (2013) held at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, where he convened a dialogue with Patrick Luyten and Vittorio Gallese on ‘Finding the body in the mind’.