Poetry and Psychoanalysis Competition
Judge: Beatrice Garland
Closing date: Sunday 9 April
The Institute of Psychoanalysis is pleased to announce the launch of a new open-themed Poetry and Psychoanalysis Competition in conjunction with our conference Poetry and Psychoanalysis: Creative Borders and Boundaries. Winning and commended poets will be invited to perform their poems live at the event on Saturday 10th June. First prize £1000, second prize £250 and third prize £100. Three commended poets will be offered free entry to the conference plus a selection of books from the newly revived Penguin Modern Poets series.
The competition will be judged by Beatrice Garland, poet and psychoanalyst. Shortlisted poets will be invited to perform their poems live at the event on Saturday 10th June. The competition has no theme and the closing date for entries is Sunday 9th April.
The entry fee is £6 for the first poem - please click here to make your payment for your first submission. For any subsequent submissions, at a fee of £4, please click here, no maximum. The Institute is a registered charity, and all profits will help fund mental health work.
**Once payment has been made you will be emailed a receipt from PayPal, please provide the transaction ID in the field below, if no authentic ID is provided your entry will not be considered.**
Beatrice Garland is a poet and psychoanalyst. After a first degree in English Literature, she worked as a National Health Service clinician, teacher and researcher in psychological medicine at both the Tavistock Clinic and the Maudsley Hospital. She has won both the National Poetry Competition and the Strokestown International Poetry Prize, and was short-listed for the inaugural Picador Poetry Prize. Her first volume, The Invention of Fireworks, was published in 2013 by Templar Press, and in 2014 was shortlisted for the Felix Dennis Best First Collection among The Forward Prizes. She has completed a second volume, The Drum, to be published in June 2017. Her poetry has been included in a GCSE anthology studied by children across the country and has been selected as an unseen text for GCSE English examinations.
1. The competition is open to anyone aged 17 or over at the time of entering. International entries are welcome.
2. The closing date of the competition is midnight (UK time), 9 April 2017.
3. There is no limit on the number of entries a single entrant can make. All entries will be considered anonymously by the judge.
4. Postal entries, with a cheque made payable to “Institute of Psychoanalysis”, will be accepted by those who cannot enter online. Please post hard copies of your poem with a cover page including your name, address, email address, phone number, and the title of poems to Luke Perry, Institute of Psychoanalysis, Byron House, 112a Shirland Road, London W9 2BT.
5. Entries will not be returned.
6. No alterations can be made to poems once entered.
7. Telephone or email confirmation of receipt is not available. The competition organisers reserve the right to change the judging panel without notice and not to award prizes if, in the judges’ opinion, such an action is justified.
8. The judge’s decision is final.
9. No current employee or Trustee of the Institute of Psychoanalysis is eligible to enter.
10. All entries are judged anonymously and the poet’s name must not appear on the poem itself.
11. All poems must have a title and must not exceed 40 lines in length (excluding title). There is no restriction on theme or subject.
12. Poems must be the original work of the entrant.
13. Entries must not have been published, self-published, published on a website, broadcast or featured among the winners in another competition before 9 June 2017.
14. Handwritten entries cannot be accepted. Entries can be double or single spaced.
15. Entries must be written in English.
16. The first poem submitted costs £6.00. Subsequent entries in the same submission cost £4.00 per poem.
17. Payments must be made in £ sterling. Entries accompanied by payment in a currency other than £ sterling will not be accepted. Payments will be made via Paypal. If an authentic transaction ID is not provided your entry will not be considered.
18. Prizewinners will be notified by 25 May 2017 and invited to read their poems at our conference Poetry and Psychoanalysis: Creative Borders and Boundaries on Saturday 10 June, 2017.
19. The copyright of each poem remains with the author.
To pay for your first submission click here. To pay for any subsequent submissions please click here. **Remember to copy your transaction ID from your PayPal receipt into the box below.**