Brian Jacobs

Brian Jacobs, MD. Fellow of the British Psycho-Analytical Society. Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the South London & Maudslet NHS Foundation Trust.

Brian Jacobs has worked for many years running the children’s inpatient psychiatric unit at the Bethlem Royal Hospital and as a paediatric neuropsychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital. He has chaired the UK Committee responsible for higher child psychiatric training from 2007-2014.

In addition to running various national workshops on aspects of training, Jacobs has run workshops about training in Helsinki (2008), Budapest (2009), Amsterdam (2012), Paris (2013), Zurich (2013), Berlin (2014), London (2014) and Sofia (2014).

As the UK representative for UEMS (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes) since 2008, he will be running the UEMS workshops alongside Dr. Marc Hermans at the 23rd EFPT Forum (European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees) to be held in Porto in June 2015 for higher trainees in psychiatry.

He was elected President of the Board for the UEMS-CAP (the section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) in 2011. In this role he has led the education functions of the CAP section, including a complete revision of the curriculum for training specialists in child and adolescent psychiatry, producing a new logbook, training requirements, and training governance documents.

He has also taught on various topics of child mental health in Japan in 2012.

Jacobs has just finished editing sections of a large e-learning programme (two of several) for a consortium of Royal Colleges, the BPS, Young Minds and The National Children’s Bureau on aspects of child mental health. He has been responsible for the commissioning and editing of 120 x 30 minute sessions accessible through - the project has been funded by the Department of Health.