Jennifer Davids is a Fellow of the BPAS and an adult, child and adolescent psychoanalyst, working in London. She is a supervising analyst for child and adolescent psychoanalysis at the BPAS, and has supervised and taught in the UK, at the Anna Freud Centre, IPPCAPA, BPF and the Tavistock, as well as internationally. She has published widely including a book The Nursery Age Child (Karnacs, 2010). Currently she is working on a collection of papers on adoption, siblings, and transference and countertransference in adolescence. She has particular interest in the understanding of imagination and the creative process.
My primary focus in this paper is the sibling relationship, which has value and many functions. I am widening the term 'replacement child', and considering 3 examples from the lives of 3 major creative artists, and material from a young boy I saw in psychotherapy.
Davids, J. (1993) The Reaction of a young Latency boy to the Sudden Death of his Baby Brother. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, vol 48,277-292.
Leon, I. G. (1990) When A Baby Dies. New Haven: Yale Universities Press.