Dr Rachel Gibbons works as a consultant psychiatrist and has been surprised by the lack of literature about the fundamental nature of mental illness. She has resolved this by developing a simple model of mental illness derived from psychoanalytic thinking. This helps her on a daily basis and allows her to conceptualise why this particular patient has this particular illness at this particular time. This lecture is her attempt to clarify and share this model.
Reading Material:
Mourning and Melacholia by Freud
Brief Outline of Lecture:
Whilst working as a psychiatrist, I have been able to find very little literature about the fundamental nature of mental illness. Over time I have resolved this for myself by developing a simple model that helps me, very broadly, conceptualize why this particular patient, has this particular illness, at this particular time. This model allows me some sense of understanding what can initially seem incompressible. It also allows me some therapeutic optimism and helps me to direct expectation for everyone involved. This talk is an attempt to clarify and share this model.
Dr Rachel Gibbons