Political Mind Series 2024 | Negotiating with the Devil
Psychological Reflections from Inside the World of Armed Conflict Mediation

 Registration is closed for this event
With Pierre Hazan

Tuesday 2nd July | 8.15pm - 9.45pm  
Negotiating with the Devil Psychological Reflections from Inside the World of Armed Conflict Mediation 
Pierre Hazan
Chair: Marco Cheisa
Pierre Hazan is a Political Mediator, author, speaker and supervisor, former war reporter and diplomatic correspondent for various media, Pierre Hazan has dedicated his life to understanding the roots of crises and helping to resolve them, as life is priceless. Such as addressing sexual violence in Catholic communities in France, implementing restorative justice in the Sahel, fostering intercommunal dialogue in Ukraine, etc.).

Insider reflections on the political and ethical ‘red lines’ that shape talks with armed interlocutors, be they states or insurgents.

After many years in the little-known world of back- channel mediation, helping sworn adversaries to prevent, manage or resolve conflict, Pierre Hazan felt compelled to re-examine the acute practical and ethical dilemmas that affected his work in Bosnia, Ukraine, the Sahel and the Central African Republic. He discusses the mediator’s responsibility when two belligerents conclude a peace agreement to the detriment of a third.

Should mediators never be party to ‘ethnic cleansing’, even if it saves lives? Is a fragile peace worth sacrificing justice for—or will that sacrifice fuel another cycle of violence? In an increasingly dystopian world

This lecture will be delivered remotely via Zoom

Please note: This event will be available for 1 week to all registered participants. This is to allow international attendees to enjoy the event at a more appropriate time in their time zone. After this time, the recording will no longer be available.


REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 14 days before the lecture, after which time no refunds will be issued. For full series bookings, tickets are fully refundable 14 days before the first lecture in the series.

Concession tickets are available, for students, BPAS candidates and NHS trainees. Please email outreach@iopa.org.uk if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.

Views and opinions expressed by speakers are their own and do not represent the views or opinions of the Institute, event organisers or other speakers. We expect delegates to respect the confidentiality of clinical material discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded, conveyed or disseminated in any format and participants must not share access to the event with non-registered participants.



July 2nd, 2024 8:15 PM through  9:45 PM
Online via Zoom
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Standard £ 30.00
Concession £ 20.00
If selected, only members with the status New, Current or Grace and those that have a website account will be able to register for this event.
Standard £ 30.00
Concession £ 20.00