Maudsley Lectures in Psychoanalysis | Child Psychoanalysis, Theory and Practice

The Autumn 2021 series of The Maudsley Lectures - Child Psychoanalysis, Theory and Practice

The Application of Psychoanalytic Concepts To Clinical Work With Children and Adolescents

The Maudsley Lectures in Psychoanalysis are a series of Institute of Psychoanalysis talks exploring the application of psychoanalytic concepts to clinical work and beyond. This autumn term focuses on Child Psychoanalysis, Theory and Practice

They are open to everyone and of particular interest to clinicians working in child and adult psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, child and adult psychotherapy, nursing and other areas of mental health. 

  • Lectures are on Tuesday from 7:30pm to 9pm on Zoom.
  • Each lecture lasts about an hour followed by time for discussion and contributions from the audience.

The speakers will be in dialogue with psychoanalysts: Kathryn Pugh and Fatima Martinez Del Solar.

Please note: The recording of each lecture (with the exception of the 28th September, 5th October, 23rd November, 7th December and 14th December) will be available for the following 48 hours to all registered participants. This is to allow international attendees to enjoy the event at a more appropriate time in their time zone. After this time, the recording will no longer be available. 

Concession ticket prices are for students and unwaged/low income. Please email if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.

The full series and individual lectures are available to book. Registration for the full series will close at 6.30pm on Tuesday 28th September. 

You can register for individual lectures in this series. However, we recommend you book to attend the full series or to book both dates for two-part lectures. 

To book individual lectures, please click the link to the lecture below:


14th December - Work Discussion Seminar - Gianna Williams (please note this session is only available live. It will not be recorded).

Past lectures

28th September - Parent Infant InterventionsAnne Ward

5th October - Parent Infant case presentation - Alejandra Perez (please note this lecture is only available live. It will not be recorded).

12th October - Layers of psychic and physical space in "remote" and "in-person" therapeutic work with children: considerations from a Winnicottian view - Angela Joyce (recording available for 48 hours to all registered participants. After this time, the recording will no longer be available).

19th October Psychoanalyst contributions to the treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Shirley Hiscock (recording available for 48 hours to all registered participants. After this time, the recording will no longer be available). 


2nd November - Toddler Challenges and Case Presentation (part 1) - Inge Pretorius (recording available for 48 hours to all registered participants. After this time, the recording will no longer be available).

9th November - Toddler Challenges and Case Presentation (part 2) - Inge Pretorius (recording available for 48 hours to all registered participants. After this time, the recording will no longer be available).

16th November - Anna Freud Developmental lines case presentation (part 1) - Luis Rodriguez de la Sierra (recording available for 48 hours to all registered participants. After this time, the recording will no longer be available).

23rd November - Anna Freud Developmental lines case presentation (part 2) - Luis Rodriguez de la Sierra (please note this lecture is only available live. It will not be recorded).

30th November - Psychic Challenges of Puberty - Catalina Bronstein (recording available for 48 hours to all registered participants. After this time, the recording will no longer be available).

7th DecemberWork Discussion Seminar - Kate Pugh & Antje Netzer-Stein (please note this session is only available live. It will not be recorded).

REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 14 days before the lecture, after which time no refunds will be issued. For full series bookings, tickets are fully refundable 14 days before the first lecture in the series.

Views and opinions expressed by speakers are their own and do not represent the views or opinions of the Institute, event organisers or other speakers. We expect delegates to respect the confidentiality of clinical material discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded, conveyed or disseminated in any format and participants must not share access to the event with non-registered participants.


September 28th, 2021 7:30 PM through December 14th, 2021 9:00 PM
Online via Zoom
United Kingdom
Standard £ 220.00
Concession - unwaged/student £ 140.00