Anne Patterson

Patterson is a member of a small French/Anglo/Belgian group of 6 which meets 3 times a year in either Paris, Lyon or Brussels to discuss clinical work. 

She also attends termly seminars at the Insitut Pierre Marty in Paris and has been accepted to do their psychosomatic training.

Larger events:

2013: presented clinical material in Working party group on Specificity (EPF in Basle)

May 2013: presented at ethics seminar of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris (SPP): ‘Qu’est-ce qu’un cas?'

2014: invited to join EPF Ad Hoc group on Ethics so participated in Turin (2014) and Stockholm (2015) as committee member

2014: presented at 5th World Psychiatric Association Congress, 2nd Interdisciplinary Congress on Neuropsychiatry and Related Sciences: ‘Classificatory confusion in psychosomatics.’

2015: clinical presentation at open seminar run by the SPP in Lyon on the subject of Freud’s introductory lectures.


March 2016: EPF (Berlin): clinical presentation at the Working Party on psychosomatics

Committe member on Ad Hoc group on Ethics

June 2016: clinical presentation at colloquium on Hydra, Greece at which keynote speaker will be Salman Ahktar.