BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Crime in Mind DESCRIPTION: \;\n \n  \;\n \n \n \n Crime in Mind\n Sa turday 1st February 2025\n 9.45am - 4.45pm (GMT)\n \n \n Hybrid - Online or In Person at the Institu te of Psychoanalysis\n \n This conference will be recorded and available for 2 weeks*\n \n  \;\n \n \n An unexpected find in the British Psychoana lytical Society Archives sparked the idea for this conference. Amongst Sylvia Payne&rsquo\;s papers\ , our archivist discovered a collection of poems\, drawings and songs gathered together as a magazin e\, &lsquo\;What we did in the Great War&rsquo\; w ith contributions from &lsquo\;AC&rsquo\;\, almost certainly Agatha Christie. Both women worked at T orquay Hospital during the First World War\, Agath a Christie in the dispensary and Sylvia Payne as t he Medical Superintendent. These were formative ye ars from which they went on to highly distinguishe d careers. Sylvia Payne was a pioneering psychoana lyst and twice President of the Society.\n \n This find set the Archives Committee thinking about th e connections between crime fiction and psychoanal ysis\, between psychoanalytic investigations and d etective work and the work of historians using arc hival material. Fact\, fantasy and imagination may mingle in the exploration and interpretation of h istory\, the history of psychoanalysis and history as it appears in the work of psychoanalysis where a psychic &lsquo\;crime&rsquo\; may dominate the mind. \; \;\n \n To set the scene\, the BP AS archivist will introduce our archives and archi val research. In person conference participants wi ll have the opportunity to view a display of archi val material. \;\n \n Drawing on historical re search and archival material\, two papers explore firstly the links between the emergence of the sci ence of clues in crime fiction and psychoanalysis and secondly\, the role of psychoanalysts in the t ransformation of criminology in the 1950s. \;& nbsp\;\n \n In the afternoon\, the first paper loo ks at the how the psychic &lsquo\;crime &lsquo\;em erges powerfully in a psychoanalysis and a final p aper draws on Freud&rsquo\;s reference to &lsquo\; Criminals from a Sense of Guilt&rsquo\;\, (1916) t o understand a subset of internet offenders. \ ; \;\n \n The focus of the conference is not p rimarily on forensic psychotherapy but on how the concept of the crime provides a vehicle for psycho analytic exploration and development. \;\n \n Proceeds from the conference will go to the Pearl King Archive Trust to support the maintenance and development of our internationally outstanding arc hive of psychoanalytical material. \;\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n *This conference will be recorded b ut some clinical material may be removed. \;\n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable un til 14 days before the lecture\, after which time no refunds will be issued.\n \n Concession tickets are available\, for students\, BPAS candidates&nb sp\;trainees. Please email \; .uk \;if you are unsure if you qualify for a c oncession ticket.\n \n Views and opinions expresse d by speakers are their own and do not represent t he views or opinions of the Institute\, event orga nisers or other speakers. \;We expect delegate s to respect the confidentiality of clinical mater ial discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded\, conveyed or disseminated in any form at and participants must not share access to the e vent with non-registered participants. CATEGORIES:Conference CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250201T094500 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250201T094500 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250201T164500 LOCATION:Hybrid Event\, online via Zoom\n & In person at Th e Institute of Psychoanalysis\n Byron House\n 112A Shirland Road\n W9 2BT\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR