BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Racism: Its Impact on Mental Health with David Har ewood OBE and Marcus Ryder MBE DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n Speakers: David Harewood OBE\, \;mark ing his election to Honorary Fellowship of the Soc iety.and \;\n Marcus Ryder MBE\n \n Chair: Ana Paulina Sauma\, Chair or Education\, Adult and Ch ild Adolescent Training Analyst and Supervisor\n \ n Sunday 15th June 2025\n 3.00pm - 5.00pm (BST)\n \n Hybrid - In person at the Institute of Psychoan alysis or Online\n  \;\n \n David Harewood wil l be in conversation with Marcus Ryder about the e xperience of being black in what he calls the whit e space and the impact of this experience on menta l health. The conversation will be chaired by Ana Paulina Sauma and will be \;followed by a wide r discussion with all participants.\n \n The after noon will start with the presentation of the Honor ary Fellowship scroll \;to David Harewood by V ic Sedlak\, President of the British Psychoanalyti cal Society.\n \n \n  \;\n \n Biographies\n \n David Harewood was born in1965\, in Small Heath\, Birmingham\, England to parents Romeo and Mayleen \, who had been born in Barbados and moved to the UK in the fifties and sixties as part of the Windr ush Generation. \;He is married to Kirsty and has two daughters.\n \n David trained as an actor\ , at RADA\, over 30 years ago\, and has acted in a variety of settings and roles\, such as in theatr e\, TV and Films. He made history\, being the firs t Black Actor to Play Othello at the National Thea tre\, in 1997. Some of the most well-known works h e has taken part in as an actor were: Homeland\, T he Night Manager\, The Man in the High Castle\, Bl ood Diamond\, SuperGirl\, working alongside many i nternational well-known actors.\n \n He has been t he lead presenter for a number of TV documentaries mostly dealing with racial inequality and mental health such as: Psychosis and Me\, Why is Covid Ki lling People of Colour?\, Will Britain Ever Have a Black Prime Minister\, The &lsquo\;F&rsquo\; Word \, Britain&rsquo\;s Greatest Invention\, In The Sh adow of Mary Seacole\, Earth&rsquo\;s Tropical Isl ands\, Blackface: The Hidden History of Minstrelsy .\n \n David is an Advocate for Mental Health and Unicef-UK Ambassador\, often playing as a goal kee per for the England Soccer-Aid Team. He is the Pre sident of RADA.\n \n He has published a moving aut obiography: Maybe I Don&rsquo\;t Belong Here: A Me moir of Race\, Identity\, Breakdown and Recovery\, which we \;would highly recommend.\n \n   \;\n \n Marcus Ryder is the CEO of the Film and TV Charity\, the leading industry body addressing we llbeing issues in the screen sector focusing on me ntal health and financial wellbeing. Marcus is a l eading figure in the efforts to increase diversity and representation in the media industry. Marcus is also the Chair of RADA.\n \n In 2023 he was nam ed by Variety magazine as one the 500 most influen tial business leaders shaping the global media ind ustry.\n \n In 2020 he cofounded the Sir Lenny Hen ry Centre for Media Diversity based at Birmingham City University.\n \n He is the author of &ldquo\; Access All Areas - the diversity manifesto for TV and beyond&rdquo\;\, and the editor of &ldquo\;Bla ck British Lives Matter&rdquo\;.\n \n  \;\n \n  \;\n \n \n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are ful ly refundable until 14 days before the lecture\, a fter which time no refunds will be issued.\n \n Co ncession tickets are available\, for students\, BP AS candidates \;trainees. Please email \;o \;if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.\n \n Views and o pinions expressed by speakers are their own and do not represent the views or opinions of the Instit ute\, event organisers or other speakers. \;We expect delegates to respect the confidentiality o f clinical material discussed in our events. The c ontent must not be recorded\, conveyed or dissemin ated in any format and participants must not share access to the event with non-registered participa nts. CATEGORIES:Conference CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250615T150000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250615T150000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250615T170000 LOCATION:Hybrid Event\, online via Zoom\n & In person at Th e Institute of Psychoanalysis\n Byron House\n 112A Shirland Road\n W9 2BT\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR