BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:English Speaking Weekend Conference 2025 DESCRIPTION: \;\n \n \n \n \n ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: The Engl ish Speaking Weekend Conference is open to members and candidates of the International Psychoanalyti c Association (IPA) and its component societies\, and also to members of the British Psychoanalytic& nbsp\;Association (BPA)\, the European Psychoanaly tic Federation (EPF) and \;full British Psycho analytic Council \;(BPC) registrants.\n \n Psy choanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists\,& nbsp\;who are not members of these organisations m ay register if supported by an IPA member. A brief supporting letter from the IPA member should be s ent to before registering for the conference.\n \n \n Listening to Antigone\n \ n Friday 10th October - Sunday 12th October 2025\n \n Hybrid: at the Institute of Psychoanalysis &am p\; Regent'\;s University London\, Inner Circle \, NW1 4NS or Online \;\n \n This conference w ill be recorded and available to view for 2 weeks. \n \n \n The figure of Antigone\, daughter of Oed ipus\, is the focus of the 2025 English-Speaking C onference. The final play in Sophocles&rsquo\; The ban trilogy centres on \;Antigone\, child of t he incestuous union between Oedipus and Jocasta. T he tragedy unfolds in the wake of civil war as Ant igone resolves \;to bury her dead brother\, in defiance of her uncle Creon&rsquo\;s prohibition. Sophocles&rsquo\;s play weaves together a number of psychoanalytic concerns: transgenerational trau ma\, femininity\, the sibling axis\, grief and the obstacles to mourning\, masochism and death.  \;Sophocles confronts us with the tragic consequen ces of turning a deaf ear. Our challenge now is to listen to Antigone\, to hear her story\, and what it brings to a contemporary psychoanalysis.\n \n \n Friday 10th \;October | The \;Institute of Psychoanalysis \;\n Live dramatic reading of Antigone by Isobel Hanson and cast\, followed b y a reception.\n \n Click here to view a sneak pre view of the writer/performer Isobel Hanson as Anti gone in Anne Carson&rsquo\;s translation of Sophoc les'\; play.\n \n \n Saturday 11th and Sunday 1 2th \;October - \;Main Conference | Regent '\;s University\, Inner Circle.\n \n Speakers i n dialogue:\n Angela Joyce and Joshua Durban\, Cha ir: Margaret Rustin \; \;\n \n Michael Par sons and Catherine Chabert\, Chair: Jan Abram\n \n Rosemary Davies and Denis Flynn\, Chair: Liz Alli son \;\n \n \n Full programme coming soon\n Ea rly Bird rates are available until June \;\n \ n Image: ©\; Ellie Swartzentruber\n \n \n Canc ellation policy for this event:\n Up to and includ ing 1st August: full refund on cancellation\n Betw een 2nd \;August \;up to and including 8th September: \;50% refund on cancellation\n Fro m 9th September 2025 \;onwards: \;no refun ds\n \n Views and opinions expressed by speakers a re their own and do not represent the views or opi nions of the Institute\, event organisers or other speakers. \;We expect delegates to respect th e confidentiality of clinical material discussed i n our events. The content must not be recorded\, c onveyed or disseminated in any format and particip ants must not share access to the event with non-r egistered participants. CATEGORIES:Conference CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20251010T180000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20251010T180000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20251012T130000 LOCATION:Regent's University\n Inner Circle\n Regents Park\ n NW1 4NS\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR