BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Working with People who Present with Problems of S exually Deviant Behaviour - Dr Stephen Blumenthal DESCRIPTION:\n \n  \;Working with People who Present with Problems of Sexually Deviant Behaviour\n Speaker: Dr Stephen Blumenthal\n \n \n  \;\n \n 5 Tuesd ays \;\n \n 3rd\, 10th\, 17th\, 24th June\, 1s t July \;2025\n 7.00pm - 8.30pm (BST)\n \n In person only at The Institute of Psychoanalysis\n \ n  \;\n \n This series of seminars on \;se xual deviance \;is comprised of 5 evening semi nars over 5 weeks. It will cover a sample of some of the main ideas on psychoanalytic thinking on se xual deviance\, from the early days\, including Fr eud\, to more contemporary ideas.\n \n The overall focus of the series is on how to understand and w ork with people who present with sexually deviant behaviour. Compulsive sexualised behaviour is asso ciated with specific transference and countertrans ference patterns. The aim of the seminars will be to help participants make sense of the technical c hallenges of working with these problems.\n \n Thi s seminar series is for psychoanalysts\, psychothe rpists\, psychiatrists\, psychologists\, and those  \;working clinically in mental health service s. Limited places available.\n \n \n Dr Stephen Bl umenthal is a consultant clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst who has worked in secure forensic s ettings and in private practice. He has worked at the Portman Clinic\, a NHS outpatient service whic h specialises in the treatment of sexual deviance\ , violence and delinquency since 2005. \n \n \n 3r d June \; | Origins\n \n 10th June | The Core Complex \n \n 17th June | The Loss of Reality  \;\n \n 24th June | Transference &\; Countertra nsference Part 1 \n \n 1st July | The Particular N ature of Transference &\; Countertransference\n \n \n \n Please note: This series has limited pla ces.\n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refunda ble until 14 days before the lecture\, after which time no refunds will be issued.\n \n Concession t ickets are available\, for students\, \;candid ates \;trainees. Please email \;outreach@i \;if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.\n \n Views and opinions e xpressed by speakers are their own and do not repr esent the views or opinions of the Institute\, eve nt organisers or other speakers. \;We expect d elegates to respect the confidentiality of clinica l material discussed in our events. The content mu st not be recorded\, conveyed or disseminated in a ny format and participants must not share access t o the event with non-registered participants. CATEGORIES:Conference CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250603T190000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250603T190000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250701T203000 LOCATION:Byron House\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR