BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Annual Research Lecture 2025 DESCRIPTION:\n Annual Research Lecture 2025\n \n What does res earch have to do with psychoanalysis?\n Speaker: G regorio Kohon\n \n Discussant: Alessandra Lemma\n Chair: Fakhry Davids\n \n \n \n Wednesday 7th May 2025\n \n 8.15pm - 9.45pm (UK Time)\n  \;\n \n Institute of Psychoanalysis and Online\n \n Our a nnual Scientific lecture open to all members of th e general public\n \n A recording available for 1 week to all registered participants.\n \n \n \n Ps ychic reality cannot be reduced to either the ment al or the physical &mdash\; the psychoanalytic obj ect has its own characteristics\, categories\, and laws. Psychoanalytic theories are based on fundam ental hypotheses and basic assumptions that have b een arrived at through a mixture of clinical exper ience and self-reflection\, speculative intellectu al activity and intuition\, free-floating attentio n and deduction\, and the attribution of retrospec tive meaning and abstract representations.\n \n Ps ychoanalysis does not offer a single\, uniļ¬ed\, comprehensive theoretical model\, nor can it propo se an exclusive clinical approach to its object of study. The question of research is confronted by the complex nature of the object of analytic inqui ry\, reiterating the inappropriateness of any sing le paradigm. In considering research in psychoanal ysis\, ontological questions are as relevant as ep istemological ones.\n \n The establishment of a pa rticular and unique dialogue between patient and a nalyst characterises the psychoanalytic discipline . Clinical practitioners are accountable for what they do. In order to define the boundaries and aim s of their work\, psychoanalysts describe their th eoretical ideas and clinical approaches through th e study of single cases. \;\n \n \n \n \n Greg orio Kohon is a Clinical Psychologist and Distingu ished Fellow of the British Psychoanalytic Society . Between 1988 and 1994\, he lived in Brisbane\, A ustralia\, where he founded\, together with his wi fe\, Valli Shaio Kohon\, the Brisbane Centre for P sychoanalytic Studies. He has published four books of poetry in Spanish\, \;and a novel \;Pa pagayo Rojo\, Pata de Palo \;(2003)\, which wa s short-listed for the 2001 Fernando Lara Prize\, Planeta\, Barcelona\, and translated into English as Red Parrot\, Wooden Leg (2007/2008). \;He e dited four psychoanalytic books\, and published No Lost Certainties to Be Recovered (1999)\; Love an d Its Vicissitudes (co-authored with André\; Green) (2005)\; Reflections on the Aesthetic Expe rience: Psychoanalysis and the Uncanny (2016)\; an d Considering the Nature of Psychoanalysis: The Pe rsistence of a Paradoxical Discourse (2019). He is working on a new book: &ldquo\;How could I have b een so stupid?&rdquo\; - Psychoanalysis and the Qu estion of Symbolic Impoverishment.\n \n \n \n \n A lessandra Lemma is a \;Fellow of the British&n bsp\;Psychoanalytic Society and \;Chartered Cl inical and Counselling Psychologist\, \;is a V isiting Professor in the Psychoanalysis Unit\, Uni versity College London and Consultant\, Anna Freud Centre and Visiting Professor\, Centro Winnicott\ , Rome. For 16 years she worked at the Tavistock C linic where she was\, at different stages\, Head o f Psychology and Professor of Psychological Therap ies in conjunction with Essex University. \;Sh e was a recipient of the \;2022 Sigourney Awar d. She is the former General Editor of the New Lib rary of Psychoanalysis book series and is the curr ent Chair of the International Journal of Psychoan alysis&rsquo\; Management Board. She has published extensively on psychoanalysis\, trauma\, the body and transgender. \;Her \;most recent book s are: \;First \;Principles: Applied \ ;Ethics \;for Psychoanalytic Practice \;(O UP\, 2023) and \;Introduction to the \;Pra ctice \;of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (Wiley \, 2025\, Third \;Edition).\n \n  \;\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Free tickets are available for  \;British Psychoanalytical Society Members\, pleas e email \;for the relevan t information and to secure your place. \;\n & nbsp\;\n \n \n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 14 days before the lecture\, aft er this \;time no refunds will be issued.\n \n Views and opinions expressed by speakers are thei r own and do not represent the views or opinions o f the Institute\, event organisers or other speake rs. \;We expect delegates to respect the confi dentiality of clinical material discussed in our e vents. The content must not be recorded\, conveyed or disseminated in any format and participants mu st not share access to the event with non-register ed participants.\n \n \n \n CATEGORIES:Lecture CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250507T201500 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250507T201500 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250507T214500 LOCATION:Hybrid Event\, online via Zoom\n & In person at Th e Institute of Psychoanalysis\n Byron House\n 112A Shirland Road\n W9 2BT\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR