BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:James MacKeith Lecture 2025 | Human Duties: relati onal security and therapy for violence perpetrator s DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n Human Duties: relational security and the rapy for violence perpetrators\n \n Friday 7th Mar ch\n 7.00pm - 8.30pm (GMT)\n \n Speaker: Gwen Adsh ead\n Discussant: Don Campbell\n \n Chair: David B ell\n \n Hybrid event at The Institute of Psychoan alysis and Online via Zoom.\n \n This event will b e recorded and available to all registered partici pants for 1 week.\n \n \n "\;In this talk\, I will suggest that human rights need to be understo od in the context of our duties to each other\, wh ich in turn are based on a relational state of min d. I will explore this relational state of mind fr om the perspective of attachment theory and attach ment security as a state of mind which promotes po sitive relationships. I will discuss the evidence that attachment insecurity is common among those w ith poor mental health and especially in groups of people who commit acts of violence against other humans. I will discuss what these studies might im ply for services that offer interventions with vio lence perpetrators\, and the kind of therapies tha t emphasise the paying of attention to one&rsquo\; s own mind and the minds of others"\;\n \n \n Gwen Adshead is a forensic psychiatrist and psycho therapist\, who has worked with perpetrators of vi olence in secure hospitals and prisons for over 25 years. She is trained as group analyst\, as a min dfulness based cognitive therapist and in mentalis ation based therapy. She has a long-standing inter est in attachment theory and its application to in terpersonal violence and therapy for violence. Gwe n also has a long-standing interest in medical law and ethics\; she has a master&rsquo\;s degree in the subject from King&rsquo\;s College London and in 2013 was awarded the President&rsquo\;s Medal b y the Royal College of Psychiatrists for her work in mental health ethics. Gwen is a regular lecture r and teacher and has published widely in both jou rnals and as an editor and author of books about f orensic mental health and personality disorders. I n 2021\, she wrote her first book for a general au dience\, with her good friend Eileen Horne\, entit led &lsquo\;The Devil You know&rsquo\;. In 2024\, she as awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College o f Psychiatrists and was also invited to give the B BC Reith Lectures. Titled &lsquo\;Four Questions a bout Violence&rsquo\;\, the lectures will be publi shed by Faber in the autumn of 2025.\n \n Don Camp bell \;is a training and supervising analyst\, Distinguished Fellow\, past President of the Brit ish Psychoanalytical Society\, and former Secretar y General of \;the International Psychoanalyti c Association. He also served as Chair of the Port man Clinic in London where he worked in outpatient psychoanalytic psychotherapy as a child\, adolesc ent and adult analyst for 30 years with violent an d delinquent individuals and patients suffering fr om a perversion.\n \n \n JAMES MACKEITH\, OBE\, wh o died in 2007\, was an outstanding Forensic Psych iatrist who dedicated himself to \;Human Right s issues and to the collaboration between his fiel d and psychoanalysis.\n \n \n REFUND POLICY: Ticke ts are fully refundable until 14 days before the l ecture\, after which time no refunds will be issue d.\n \n Concession tickets are available\, for stu dents\, BPAS candidates and NHS trainees and nurse s. Please email \; \;i f you are unsure if you qualify for a concession t icket.\n \n Views and opinions expressed by speake rs are their own and do not represent the views or opinions of the Institute\, event organisers or o ther speakers. \;We expect delegates to respec t the confidentiality of clinical material discuss ed in our events. The content must not be recorded \, conveyed or disseminated in any format and part icipants must not share access to the event with n on-registered participants.\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Conference CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250307T190000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250307T190000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250307T203000 LOCATION:Hybrid Event\, online via Zoom\n & In person at Th e Institute of Psychoanalysis\n Byron House\n 112A Shirland Road\n W9 2BT\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR