BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Child and Adolescent Analysis - Under 3's | 28th F ebruary DESCRIPTION: \;\n \n \n Child and Adolecent Analysis Clini cal Seminars 2025\n \n The Application of Psychoan alytic Concepts \;to \;Clinical Work withâ €¯ Children and Adolescents\n \n \n \n \n 28th Feb ruary 4.00pm - 5:30pm UK time\n \n  \;\n \n Th is series will include eminent Psychoanalysts spea king about their work.\n \n  \;\n \n We are de lighted to announce the inauguration of the Under- Threes Maudsley Lecture Series\, an exciting addit ion to our Child and Adolescent Lecture Series. Th is three-part series brings together leading psych oanalytic clinicians and researchers to explore co re themes in under-threes psychotherapy and early intervention. Designed to deepen clinical understa nding\, the series offers a reflective space to ex amine therapeutic work with infants\, young childr en\, and their caregivers\, focusing on the unique challenges and transformative potential of early intervention.\n \n  \;\n \n Ann Sloboda \; will be in dialogue with psychoanalysts: \;Kat hryn Pugh and Fatima Martinez Del Solar.\n \n &nbs p\;\n \n Click here to view and book the full seri esk\n \n Child and Adolescent Analysis Clinical Se minars 2025\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n  \;\n \n \n &ldquo\;On becoming the mother th at the baby needs"\; \;\n Speaker: Ann Slo boda\n \n Ann Sloboda is Head of Music Therapy at the Guildhall School of Music &\; Drama \, Lond on . She is a qualified psychoanalyst and a member of the British Psychoanalytical Society. She had a part-time private practice in London\, and leads seminars in infant observation for trainee psycho analysts. She initially trained as a music therapi st\, and worked in the NHS for over 20 years. A pa st chair of the Association of Professional Music Therapists. She was Head of Arts Therapies at West London Mental Health Trust for 10 years where she developed art\, drama and music therapy provision in forensic psychiatric services. She has worked and published in the fields of: eating disorders\, general and forensic mental health and PTSD. She currently divides her time between the leading the music therapy training programme\, her psychoanal ytic practice\, supervision and playing the piano. \n \n \n Please note: This lecture will only be av ailable as a live lecture. It will not be recorded \, so will not be available to view afterwards.\n \n  \;\n \n Concession ticket prices are for s tudents\, NHS trainees and \;unwaged/low incom e. Please email \; \;i f you are unsure if you qualify for a concession t icket.\n \n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully re fundable until 14 days before the lecture\, after this \;time no refunds will be issued. For ful l series bookings\, tickets are fully refundable 1 4 days before the first lecture in the series.\n \ n Views and opinions expressed by speakers are the ir own and do not represent the views or opinions of the Institute\, event organisers or other speak ers. \;We expect delegates to respect the conf identiality of clinical material discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded\, conveye d or disseminated in any format and participants m ust not share access to the event with non-registe red participants.\n \n  \;\n \n \n \n CATEGORIES:Lecture CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250228T160000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250228T160000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250228T173000 LOCATION:Hybrid Event\n Online via Zoom\n & in person at 10 Windsor Walk SE5 8BB\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR