BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Maudsley Lectures in Psychoanalysis | Child & Adol escent Analysis Clinical Seminars 2025 DESCRIPTION:\n \n Child and Adolescent Analysis Clinical Semin ars 2025\n \n 17th January\, 24 January\, 21st Feb ruary\, 28th February\, 21st March\, 28th March\, 16th May\, 20th June\, 18th July\, 19th September\ , 17th October\, 21st November.\n \n With Kathryn Pugh and Fatima Martinez Del Solar.\n \n This seri es will include eminent Psychoanalysts speaking ab out their \;work.\n \n \n We are inviting all professionals\, and it would be of particular inte rest \;to clinicians working in \;child an d \;adult psychiatry\, psychology\, psychoanal ysis\, child and adult psychotherapy\, \;nursi ng \;and other areas of mental health for clin ical discussion workshops for work with Children a nd Adolescents.\n \n We are delighted to announce the inauguration of the Under-Threes Maudsley Lect ure Series\, an exciting addition to our Child and Adolescent Lecture Series. This three-part series brings together leading psychoanalytic clinicians and researchers to explore core themes in under-t hrees psychotherapy and early intervention. Design ed to deepen clinical understanding\, the series o ffers a reflective space to examine therapeutic wo rk with infants\, young children\, and their careg ivers\, focusing on the unique challenges and tran sformative potential of early intervention.\n \n T hese child and adolescent analysis clinical semina rs \;will be held every 3rd Friday of the mont h from 4.00pm &ndash\; 5.30pm \;UK time\,  \;online via Zoom and in person at 10 Windsor Walk .\n \n The presenters will be in dialogue with Kat hryn Pugh and Fatima Martinez Del Solar.\n \n If y ou have any questions\, please contact outreach@io\n \n Please note: This \;series&nbs p\;will only be available live. It will not be rec orded\, so will not be available to view afterward s.\n \n Concession ticket prices are for students\ , NHS trainees and \;unwaged/low income. Pleas e email \; \;if you ar e unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.\n \n \n You can book for the full series\, one half of the series or \;individual seminars. \ ; \;\n \n To book individual seminars\, please click the link to the seminar below:\n \n 17th Ja nuary | \;Child and Adolescent Analysis Clinic al Seminar - Valli \;Kohon \;- \;Confu sion and Mania: An adolescent girl'\;s experien ce of disturbances in the body\n \n 24th January&n bsp\;| under 3&rsquo\;s - \;Early intervention in a psychoanalytic parent-toddler group: develop mental disorder or Autistic spectrum disorder? -&n bsp\;Inge-Martine Pretorius\n \n 21st February | C hild and Adolescent Analysis Clinical Seminar - Ma ry Short\n \n 28th February | under 3&rsquo\;s -&n bsp\;On becoming the mother that the baby needs -& nbsp\; Ann Sloboda\n \n 21st March \;| Child a nd Adolescent Analysis Clinical Seminar - Todd Hin ds\n \n 28th March | under 3&rsquo\;s - Amanda Jon es \;\n \n 16th May | Child and Adolescent Ana lysis Clinical Seminar - Adrian Sutton\n \n 20th J une \;| Child and Adolescent Analysis Clinical Seminar - Petya Petkova\n \n 18th July | Child an d Adolescent Analysis Clinical Seminar - Bernard R oberts\n \n 19th September \;| Child and Adole scent Analysis Clinical Seminar - Liz McMonagle\n \n 17th October | Child and Adolescent Analysis Cl inical Seminar - Kate Pugh\n \n 21st \;Novembe r | Child and Adolescent Analysis Clinical Seminar - Roberto Marongiu\n \n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 14 days before the eve nt\, after this \;time no refunds will be issu ed. For full series bookings\, tickets are fully r efundable 14 days before the first session in the series.\n \n Views and opinions expressed by speak ers are their own and do not represent the views o r opinions of the Institute\, event organisers or other speakers. \;We expect delegates to respe ct the confidentiality of clinical material discus sed in our events. The content must not be recorde d\, conveyed or disseminated in any format and par ticipants must not share access to the event with non-registered participants.\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Lecture CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250117T160000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250117T160000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20251121T173000 LOCATION:Hybrid Event\n Online via Zoom\n & in person at 10 Windsor Walk SE5 8BB\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR