BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Unconscious with Dr David Bell DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n Basic concepts lecture:\n \n  \;The U nconscious\n Speaker: \;Dr David Bell\n \n Tue sday 11th February 2025\n 7.30pm - 9.00pm (GMT)\n \n Delivered online only\n This event will be reco rded and available for 1 week.\n \n This lecture w ill start with a consideration of what kind of thi ng psychoanalysis is moving on to situate Freuds&n bsp\;discovery of the unconscious \;within its immediate historical \;context (19th century Vienna). We will then explore the \;nature of unconscious \;mental life \;as manifest in dreams\, symptoms and aspects of everyday life.\n \n \n Dr David Bell is a Training and Supervising psychoanalyst of the British Psychoanalytical Soc iety (a former President) and just stood down from  \; chair of its \; Applied Section (  \;Psychoanalytic Interdisciplinary Studies). He re tired in 2021 from his consultant psychiatrist pos t at the Tavistock\, where he developed and led th e '\;Fitzjohns Unit'\;\, a specialist servic e for more complex/severe adult cases. \;\n \n He lectures and publishes on psychoanalytic theor y (the work of Freud\, Klein and Bion). Throughout his career he has been deeply involved in interdi sciplinary studies- psychoanalysis and literature\ , philosophy and socio-political theory (he set up and chaired\, for about 15 years\, a Philosophy a nd Psychoanalysis Study Group). He currently deliv ers regular online courses on The Development of P sychoanalysis/ Psychoanalysis and Culture.\n \n \n \n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 14 days before the lecture\, after which ti me no refunds will be issued.\n \n Concession tick ets are available\, for students\, \;candidate s \;trainees. Please email \;outreach@iopa \;if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.\n \n Views and opinions expr essed by speakers are their own and do not represe nt the views or opinions of the Institute\, event organisers or other speakers. \;We expect dele gates to respect the confidentiality of clinical m aterial discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded\, conveyed or disseminated in any format and participants must not share access to t he event with non-registered participants. CATEGORIES:Conference CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250211T193000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250211T193000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250211T210000 LOCATION:Online via Zoom\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR