BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:A Political Mind Special - Being ill DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n Being ill\n \n Prof Neil Vickers and Prof Derek Bolton \;\n \n Chair and discussant:&nb sp\;Phil Stokoe \;\n \n Tuesday 28th January 2 025\n 8:15pm - 9.45pm (GMT)\n \n Online via zoom\n Recording available for 1 week\n \n \n Why do we retreat from other people'\;s illnesses &\; how well do we look after people who are seriously sick?\n \n A serious illness often changes the wa y others see us. Few\, if any\, relationships rema in the same. The sick become more dependent on par tners and family members\, while more distant cont acts become strained. The carers of the ill are al so often isolated. This book focuses on our sense of self when ill and how infirmity plays out in ou r relationships with others.\n \n Prof Neil Vicker s and Prof Derek Bolton offer an original perspect ive\, drawing on neuroscience\, psychology and psy choanalysis\, as well as memoirs of the ill or the ir carers\, to reveal how a sense of connectedness and group belonging can not only improve care\, b ut make societies more resilient to illness. \ ;\n \n Neil Vickers \;is Professor of English Literature and the Health Humanities at King&rsquo \;s College London. He has had a career in epidemi ology and has published widely on literature and m edical subjects. He is the author of \;Colerid ge and the Doctors \;(2004).\n \n Derek Bolton  \;is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Psy chopathology at the Institute of Psychiatry\, Psyc hology and Neuroscience\, King&rsquo\;s College Lo ndon. He is the author of several books including& nbsp\;What Is Mental Disorder? \;(2008) and&nb sp\;The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Diseas e \;(with Grant Gillett\, 2019).\n \n  \;\ n \n \n Please note: This \;lecture \;will be recorded \;and available for 1 week to all registered participants.\n \n \n \n \n \n \n REFU ND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 14 d ays before the lecture\, after which time no refun ds will be issued. \;\n \n Concession tickets are available\, for students\, \;candidates an d \;trainees. Please email \;outreach@iopa \;if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.\n \n  \;\n \n Views and opinions expressed by speakers are their own and d o not represent the views or opinions of the Insti tute\, event organisers or other speakers. \;W e expect delegates to respect the confidentiality of clinical material discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded\, conveyed or dissemi nated in any format and participants must not shar e access to the event with non-registered particip ants..\n \n \n  \;\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Lecture CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250128T201500 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250128T201500 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250128T214500 LOCATION:Online via Zoom\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR