BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:A Political Mind Special - Ukraine DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n A Political Mind Special - Ukraine\n \n W ith Author and Journalists\n \n Julian \;Evans  \;and \;Igor Romanov (Ukrainian Psychoana lyst)\n \n Chair: \;David Morgan\n \n Tuesday 19th November 2024\n 8:15pm - 9:45pm GMT\n \n Thes e discussions \;will be delivered remotely via Zoom.\n Recording available for 1 week\n \n Short ly after our Remembrance weekend here\, it&rsquo\; s important to reflect on Russia&rsquo\;s war on U kraine.\n \n  \;Are we honest about how much w e actually support Ukraine? \;The West says we stand by Ukraine &ldquo\;for as long as it takes& rdquo\; but fails to provide everything Ukraine ne eds. Does this just prolong the war and ensure tha t more lives are lost?. Are we in thrall to outdat ed imperial mythmaking? Some believe appeasement w ould save lives or is it Putin'\;s finger on th e nuclear button that arouses defensiveness \; (but also perhaps the inherent self-destructivenes s in us all)?.\n \n We hope to explore these diffi cult issues that seem In the face of other conflic ts to fade from the front page of our minds. \n \n Julian Evans is the author of a forthcoming memoi r of the city of Odesa and Ukraine\, &ldquo\;Undef eatable: Odesa in Love and War&rdquo\;. \;He h as also written about the war in Ukraine from the frontline and lived in Odesa during the bombing. H e has an interest in psychoanalysis.\n \n Igor Rom anov Is a psychologist\, philosopher\, and psychoa nalyst. Training and supervising analyst of Ukrain e Psychoanalytic Society (IPA study-group). Associ ate Professor of J. B. Shadt department of theoret ical and practical philosophy of V. N. Karazin Kha rkiv National University philosophical faculty. \n \n  \;The author of works on psychoanalytic t heory\, technique\, history\, philosophy of psycho analysis and applied psychoanalytic research. Last publications: &ldquo\;Collective traumas\, person al overcoming&rdquo\;\, &ldquo\;Equation\, moraliz ation and denial&rdquo\;\, &ldquo\;The wars inside and outside: Experience of war in a patient\, a p sychoanalyst\, and a society in Ukraine&rdquo\;\, &ldquo\;Contemporary propaganda and propagandistic states of mind&rdquo\; (in Swedish and Ukrainian) \, &ldquo\;The story of a Ukrainian psychoanalyst: My way and the common one&rdquo\; (in German)\, &l dquo\;Psychoanalysis in the time of war: continuit y of mental life and Oedipal situation&rdquo\; &ld quo\;War\, revenge and forgiveness: a psychoanalyt ic exploration&rdquo\;. \n \n The editor of many t ranslations of psychoanalytic works into Russian a nd Ukrainian (last ones are by R. Britton and H. W eiss). \n \n Head of Ukrainian program of Kleinian seminars (from 2003 to now) and the program &ldqu o\;Help for helpers&rdquo\; (from 2022 to 2023) (b oth supported by Melanie Klein Trust). From 2022 a n organiser of Meetings of UPS Friends.  \; &n bsp\;\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Please note: This \; lecture \;will be recorded \;and available for 1 week to all registered participants.\n \n \ n \n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundabl e until 14 days before the lecture\, after which t ime no refunds will be issued. \;\n \n Concess ion tickets are available\, for students\, \;c andidates and \;trainees. Please email \;o \;if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.\n \n  \;\n \ n Views and opinions expressed by speakers are the ir own and do not represent the views or opinions of the Institute\, event organisers or other speak ers. \;We expect delegates to respect the conf identiality of clinical material discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded\, conveye d or disseminated in any format and participants m ust not share access to the event with non-registe red participants..\n \n \n  \;\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Lecture CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241119T201500 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241119T201500 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241119T214500 LOCATION:Online via Zoom\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR