BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:A Political Mind Special - “Psychoanalytic Obje ct relations theory as a necessary foundation of s ocial democracy” DESCRIPTION: \;\n \n \n \n \n A Political Mind Special - & ldquo\;Psychoanalytic Object relations theory as a necessary foundation of social democracy&rdquo\;\ n \n Speaker: Prof Michael Rustin\n \n Tuesday 8th October 2024\n 8:15pm - 9:45pm BST\n \n These dis cussions \;will be delivered remotely via Zoom .\n Recording available for 1 week\n \n Now that w e are beginning another period in which a Labour g overnment is in office\, what expectations do we h ave about what kind of \;society it \;migh t encourage into being?  \;Do we expect little more than a continuation of the neo-liberalism we have lived under for the last 40 + years\, perhap s with its roughest edges knocked off?  \;Or d o we think \;that \;&ldquo\;the Forward Ma rch of Labour&rdquo\;\, declared \;&ldquo\;Hal ted&rdquo\; \;by Eric \;Hobsbawm \;in& nbsp\;1978\, \;will now be resumed\, and if so \, is its ultimate destination the overthrow of ca pitalism? \;\n \n I will argue in this paper t hat there is need for the re-articulation of an id ea of social democracy\, as a feasible compromise between \;recognising \;a \;useful&nbs p\;role for capitalism in society\, and a function ing democratic society and state.  \;Psychoana lytic object relations theory had \;some influ ence on the early post-Second War development of s ocial democracy in Britain\, through the influence of Bowlby\, \;Winnicott \;and the \;K leinian&rsquo\;s \;on social policy\, especial ly on the understanding of child development. I wi ll argue in this paper that a \;larger approac h to object-relatedness \;can provide a necess ary psycho-social foundation for a social democrat ic worldview. It can provide a frame in which its necessary diversity of social purposes can be unde rstood and valued. Social democratic theory and po litics can be strengthened\, I shall claim\, if&nb sp\;they are \;based on a psychoanalytically b ased theory of mental life.\n  \;\n \n Michael Rustin is Professor of Sociology at the Universit y of East London\, a Visiting Professor at the Tav istock Clinic and at the University of Essex\, and an Associate of the British Psychoanalytical Soci ety. He helped develop postgraduate academic study at the Tavistock. He has a long-standing interest in psychoanalysis\, and its relation to politics. He has been involved in the academic accreditatio n of psychoanalytic programmes at the Tavistock Cl inic and the University of East London over many y ears\, \;including a substantial programme of doctoral research in Child Psychotherapy. His book s include '\;The Good Society and the Inner Wor ld'\; (1991)\, '\;Reason and Unreason'\; (2001)\, '\;Narratives of Love and Loss: Studie s in Modern Children&rsquo\;s Fiction'\; (1989/ 2002)\, '\;Mirror to Nature: Drama Psychoanalys is and Society'\; (2002) both with Margaret Rus tin\, and '\;The Inner World of Doctor Who: Psy choanalytic Reflections in Time and Space'\;\, with Ian MacRury. He co-edited &lsquo\;Social Defe nces against Anxiety&rsquo\; with David Armstrong (2016) and with Margaret \;Rustin is \;co- author of &lsquo\;Reading KIein&rsquo\; (2017).\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Please note: This \;lecture& nbsp\;will be recorded \;and available for 1 w eek to all registered participants.\n \n \n \n \n REFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 14 days before the lecture\, after which time no r efunds will be issued. \;\n \n Concession tick ets are available\, for students\, \;candidate s and \;trainees. Please email \;outreach@ \;if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.\n \n  \;\n \n Views and opinions expressed by speakers are their own a nd do not represent the views or opinions of the I nstitute\, event organisers or other speakers.&nbs p\;We expect delegates to respect the confidential ity of clinical material discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded\, conveyed or dis seminated in any format and participants must not share access to the event with non-registered part icipants..\n \n \n  \;\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Lecture CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241008T201500 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241008T201500 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241008T214500 LOCATION:Online via Zoom\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR