BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Maudsley Lectures in Psychoanalysis 2024 | Violenc e in Mind: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Forensic Work DESCRIPTION:\n \n Maudsley Lectures in Psychoanalysis Autumn 2 024\n \n Violence in Mind: Psychoanalytic Perspect ives on Forensic Work\n \n 7th October \;- 2nd December \;2024\n 7:30pm - 9:00pm\n \n Hybrid \n \n In-person at 10 Windsor Walk and Online via Zoom.\n \n \n \n \n Acts of violence have long bee n a source of fascination and bewilderment\, not l east because the shock of their impact \;invit es a particular type of thinking\, or non-thinking . When confronted with unthinkable\, or apparently mindless\, acts\, we are all vulnerable to locati ng the source of violence in the '\;offender 9\;\, and not seeing the links with the violence\, both interpersonal and structural\, in our famili es\, communities and societies. \;This lecture series will offer participants an opportunity to engage with a range of contemporary psychoanalytic perspectives on understanding and thinking about different types of violence\, in minds and deeds. There will be a combination of theory and clinical presentations. This series has relevance for thos e who \;are \;experienced and those who ar e new to this area. \;\n \n \n \n \n You can r egister for individual lectures \;in this seri es. However\, we recommend you book to attend the full series. \;\n \n To book individual lectur es\, please click the link to the lecture below:\n \n Programme:\n \n Series Chairs: Maxine Dennis\,  \;Gerard Drennan\, and Emma Staples Hotopf\n \n \n 7th October \;| The Victim in the Perpet rator and the Perpetrator in the Victim: Introduct ion to Forensic Psychotherapy - Jessica Yakeley&nb sp\;(recording available)\n \n 14th October \; | A Love that Kills \;- Anna Motz \;(recor ding available)\n \n 21st October \;| The Fear s &\; Tyranny Cycle: Mental Pain and Exclusion - \;Gerard Drennan and Muzaffar Husain\n \n 4t h November \;| A Psychoanalyst in the Court: T hinking Under Fire \; - Cleo Van Velsen\n \n 1 1th November \;| '\;Big\, Black and Dangero us'\; \;- \;Anne Aiyegbusi\n \n 18th No vember \;| Perverse Organisations: denial\, co mplicity and turning a blind eye in secure \;s ettings \;- \;Colin Campbell \;(record ing available)\n \n 25th November \;| \;Hu rt People\, Hurt People - How Violence as Tragedy Becomes Violence as Tyranny \;- Stephen Blumen thal\n \n 2nd \;December \;| \;Jimmy S avile\; Victims'\; Voices and the Criminal Cour t Report There Never Was \;- Carine Minne and Ray Galloway \;(recording available)\n \n \n R EFUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 1 4 days before the lecture\, after which time no re funds will be issued.\n \n Concession tickets are available\, for students\, BPAS candidates and NHS trainees and nurses. Please email \;outreach@ \;if you are unsure if you qualify for a concession ticket.\n \n Views and opinions expressed by speakers are their own and do not rep resent the views or opinions of the Institute\, ev ent organisers or other speakers. \;We expect delegates to respect the confidentiality of clinic al material discussed in our events. The content m ust not be recorded\, conveyed or disseminated in any format and participants must not share access to the event with non-registered participants.\n \ n  \; CATEGORIES:Conference CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241007T193000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241007T193000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241202T210000 LOCATION:Hybrid Event\n Online via Zoom\n & in person at 10 Windsor Walk SE5 8BB\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR