BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Therapeutic Relationships in Mental Health Setting s 2024 DESCRIPTION:\n \n  \;\n \n Therapeutic Relationships in Me ntal Health Settings 2024\n \n 8 Thursdays 8:00pm to 9:30pm \;GMT\n \n  \;\n \n 26th \;S eptember\, 3rd\, 10th\, 17th\, 24th \;October\ , 7th\, 14th\, 21st \;November\n \n \n Deliver ed Online via Zoom\n \n Recording available for 1 week to all registered participants\n \n  \;\n \n \n This eight part course is aimed at nurses\, psychiatrists\, psychologists\, occupational ther apists\, social workers and other mental health pr actitioners. \;\n \n Marcus Evans\, psychoanal yst will be in conversation with mental health nur se\, Jo \;Osimuwa.\n \n Chaired by Olive Burke \n \n \n \n Certificate of attendance provided for professional development\n \n \n Everyone working in mental health knows how emotionally taxing tha t work can be. There&rsquo\;s something fundamenta lly different to working in physical medicine. We& rsquo\;re not dealing with patients who &ldquo\;ha ve&rdquo\; an illness\, but with people whose diff iculties are central to their personality\, their emotional experience and their ways of relating. I n working with them\, we get deeply affected and w e might get embroiled in ways that make things wor se. Relationships are central to the work. If we u nderstand what happens between our patients and us \, in ourselves\, and between staff\, we can be of much more help to them. Psycho-analysis offers su ch ways of understanding\, and this is what this c ourse aims to do. \n \n \n \n \n Marcus Evans  \;is a \;Fellow of the British Psychoanalytica l Society-with a long-standing interest in applyin g psychoanalytic thinking in mental health setting s. Before retiring from the \;NHS\, \;he&n bsp\;was \;a psychiatric nurse and \;an&nb sp\;adult psychotherapist. \;He was a founding member of Fitzjohn&rsquo\;s service for the treat ment of patients with \;severe and enduring me ntal health issues and \;personality disorders and clinical lead \;of \;the adult and ad olescent services \;at the Tavistock \;for five years.  \;He is the author of \;thre e \;books. \;&lsquo\;Making Room for Madne ss in Mental Health&rsquo\;\, \;&lsquo\;Psycho analytic Thinking in Mental Health Settings&rsquo\ ; \;&\; \;&lsquo\;Gender Dysphoria: A t herapeutic model for working with children adolesc ents and young adults&rsquo\; \;a book he wrot e with his wife Susan Evans.\n \n Jo \;Osimuwa has \;a background as a mental health nurse\, she \;currently works as a Clinical and Opera tional Lead at South London and Maudsley NHS Found ation Trust. Her career includes roles such as Inp atient Matron\, ward manager\, Community Psychiatr ic Nurse and she has extensive experience across v arious mental health settings. She has worked on i npatient wards\, managed female psychiatric wards\ , and had been part of community mental health tea ms. Additionally\, she has worked as a clinical ed ucator\, collaborating with universities to provid e placements for students\, supporting their devel opment\, and training clinical staff to become pra ctice assessors and supervisors.\n \n Dr Olive Bur ke is an Adult Psychoanalyst (BPAS) working in ful l-time private practice. She has over 30 years exp erience of working in Mental Health\, including as a Consultant Child &\; Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Tavistock &\; Portman NHS Trust for nea rly 20 years prior to her retirement from NHS. She has always been interested in using psychoanalyti c insights to think about psychiatric issues at a deeper level &\; to inform treatment approaches . She continues to be invested in the development &\; support of young professionals\, particular ly within the NHS.  \;\n \n \n 26th September - Therapeutic relationships\n \n 3rd October \ ;- Understanding borderline states of mind\n \n 10 th October - Tuning in to psychotic states of mind \n \n 17th \;October \;- Assessment of sui cidal risk\n \n 24th \;October \;- Working with Adolescence - struggling with the turmoil of Adolescence.\n \n 7th November \;- Working wi th eating disorder &ndash\; the silent assassin.\n \n 14th November - Working with deliberate self-h arm &ndash\; working on a knife edge.\n \n 21st&nb sp\;November - Anti-social personality disorder &n dash\; actions speak louder than words.\n \n \n RE FUND POLICY: Tickets are fully refundable until 14 days before the lecture\, after which time no ref unds will be issued. \;\n \n Views and opinion s expressed by speakers are their own and do not r epresent the views or opinions of the Institute\, event organisers or other speakers. \;We expec t delegates to respect the confidentiality of clin ical material discussed in our events. The content must not be recorded\, conveyed or disseminated i n any format and participants must not share acces s to the event with non-registered participants.\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Lecture CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240926T200000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20240926T200000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241121T213000 LOCATION:Online via Zoom\n United Kingdom\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR